
FERMENTALG (EPA:FALG) A 1st half-year 2024 marked by the success of the commercial relaunch and the strengthening of strategic alliances

Transparency directive : regulatory news

17/09/2024 18:00

Libourne - September 17, 2024 - Fermentalg (Euronext Growth / ALGAE), expert French microalgae company, presents its results for the 1st half-year of the 2024 financial year, following approval of the accounts by the Board of Directors at its meeting today[1]. These results confirm the relevance of the new strategic plan and its two pillars: boosting sales by opening up new markets and strengthening strategic partnerships.

2.7-fold increase in sales of DHA Origins® and outlook confirmed

Under the impetus of the new Chief Executive Officer, and in line with the roadmap presented in December 2023, Fermentalg recorded very strong sales momentum in the 1er half-year 2024.

By the end of June, the Company had generated sales of €6.3m, a 2.7-fold increase on the 1er half-year 2023. This is the best commercial half-year recorded by the Company since the launch of the DHA Origins® range, the omega-3-rich algal oil, in 2018.

This performance is the fruit of a strengthened marketing and sales team and a rethought strategy based on opening up new markets. Over the 1er half-year, Fermentalg booked its first orders in the promising premium dietary supplements and petfood segments. This offensive strategy will continue over the coming months, with an expansion into human and animal nutrition market segments.

Thanks to these new outlets, Fermentalg confirms its annual sales target of at least €12 million, 3 times higher than 2023 (€4 million), even though the market context has hardened in recent months, with fish oil prices falling but remaining above historical levels.

Strategic partnership with Huvepharma group gains momentum

At the end of 2023, Fermentalg formed a strategic alliance with the Huvepharma group, the European leader in large scale precision fermentation for the animal and human health sectors. This alliance was ramped up during the 1er half-year 2024, with in particular:

  • The successful industrial transfer of DHA Origins® production to Huvepharma's Bulgarian plants: the first volume production runs have started successfully, yields are gradually improving and the target conditions for industrial performance are now being met, enabling ultimate gains in profitability and competitiveness.
  • The launch of EverzureTM, the only acid-stable natural blue colorant developed by Fermentalg (see below).
  • Huvepharma's participation in Fermentalg's successful capital increase in June 2024, making it the Company's largest shareholder with just over 20% of the capital and voting rights. In this context, the General Meeting of Shareholders held today appointed Anguel Jeliazkov Ivanov, Vice-President at Huvepharma group to the Company's Board of Directors.

Continued developments with Givaudan around EverzureTM

In line with its strategy of forging alliances with partners who can leverage its industrial and commercial performance, Fermentalg pursued its partnership with Givaudan, a world leader in food colorants, over the 1er half-year around EverzureTM , with the following advances:

  • In terms of technological and industrial development, the work carried out by Fermentalg at pilot scale has been finalized, and the transfer of production to industrial scale at Huvepharma, currently underway, is due to be completed in the second half of the year.
  • On the commercial front, Givaudan has carried out sampling tests with potential partners, confirming initial interest. Discussions are now continuing with a view to placing the first orders.
  • On the regulatory front, approval files are still being examined with a view to first approvals in Europe and the United States, where FDA approval should be expected between late 2024 and early 2025, given the comparable age of the dossiers.

Slight improvement in operating income as sales and manufacturing ramp up

(in K€) S1 2023 S1 2024
Net Sales 2 340 6 319
Operating income before share-based payments and non-current items -4 742 -4 360
Operating income after share-based payments and non-current items -4 594 -4 351
Cost of net financial debt -103 -122
Other financial income and expense -686 -774
Share in net income (loss) of associates -289 -415
Net income (loss) -5 673 -5 662

Against this backdrop of ramping up sales and optimizing production facilities, Fermentalg reported stable half-year net result overall compare to 2023.

In detail, operating income, before share-based payments and non-current items, came to -€4.4m, compared with -€4.7m in the 1er half 2023. The 2.7-fold increase in sales had a beneficial effect, partially offset by:

  • A margin on direct costs temporarily impacted by costs linked to the transfer and optimization of the industrial process, the pricing policy applied in the phase of commercial conquest in new segments, and the destocking of production carried out in 2023 at high cost by the former subcontractor (see below).
  • A +10% increase in operating expenses, reflecting the strengthening of sales teams and marketing actions.
  • Research and development costs up 5%, due to lower capitalization of these costs (€0.4m vs. €1.3m), with total R&D expenditure down €0.9m.

Net income was stable at -5.6 M€, after taking into account the non-cash accounting charge for calculating the fair value of convertible bonds issued in 2023 (-0.8 M€) and the share of profit of the subsidiary CarbonWorks (-0.4 M€ versus -0.3 M€ in the 1er half-year 2023).

Cash position up by €10 million

(in K€) 31/12/2023 30/06/2024
Shareholders' equity 30 846 39 050
Non-current borrowings 13 973 8 673
Current borrowings 1 381 5 323
Cash and cash equivalents 11 162 21 265

At June 30, 2024, Fermentalg had gross cash of €21.3 million, up €10.1 million in 6 months, and shareholders' equity of €39.1 million.

This significant increase in cash flow was made possible by the success of the capital increase for a net amount of €11.8 million carried out in June 2024, which saw Huvepharma acquire a stake and Bpifrance confirm its financial support for the Company, and by inventory reduction efforts (€4.9 million) at the start of the year. These flows offset the company's current expenses (cash flow of €3.3 million) and R&D investments (€0.4 million).

Gross financial debt, amounting to €14.0 million at the end of June 2024, fell by €1.5 million during the half-year. It is mainly made up of repayable advances (5.8 M€), the convertible bond held by the Givaudan group (3.7 M€) and the balance of the bonds issued in March 2023 (3.2 M€), over 60% of which have already been converted.

At present, the Company considers that its liquidity horizon extends beyond the next 12 months.

Next publication: sales for the 3ème quarter 2024,
October 3, 2024 (after market close)

About Fermentalg

An expert in the research and bioindustrial exploitation of microalgae, Fermentalg aims to offer sustainable solutions and innovative products that contribute to the development of healthy, natural and high-performance products . Our business: the development, production and marketing of sustainable solutions and active ingredients derived from microalgae, for nutrition, health and the environment. Nutritional lipids, alternative proteins, natural food colorings and innovative environmental solutions make up our company's current and future offering. Fermentalg shares are listed on Euronext Growth Paris (FR0011271600 - ALGAE) and are PEA-PME eligible. It has received an Exemplary rating (90/100) from EthiFinance ESG Ratings, a rating agency specializing in the ESG performance of SMEs listed on European markets, in favor of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).

For further information: www.fermentalg.com



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(in thousands of euros)
  30/06/2024 31/12/2023 30/06/2023
Sales figures   6 319 4 058 2 340
Other business-related products   813 1 063 538
Cost of sales   -5 247 -3 522 -1 860
Research and development costs   -2 099 -4 414 -1 998
Operating expenses excluding R&D   -4 145 -8 091 -3 762
Other current operating income and expenses   0 0 0
Operating income before share-based payments and non-current items   -4 360 -10 907 -4 742
Personnel expenses related to share-based payments   -40 -167 -76
Other non-recurring operating income and expenses   49 -734 225
Operating income after share-based payments and non-current items   -4 351 -11 808 -4 594
Income from cash and cash equivalents   86 294 113
Gross cost of debt   -208 -482 -216
Cost of net financial debt   -122 -188 -103
Other financial income and expense   -774 -1 277 -686
Net tax expense   0 0 0
Share in net income of associates   -415 -875 -289
Net income   -5 662 -14 148 -5 673
Minority interests   0 0 0
NET INCOME, GROUP SHARE   -5 662 -14 148 -5 673
Other comprehensive income (actuarial gains and losses on pension obligations, not recyclable in the income statement)   0 52 0
OVERALL NET INCOME   -5 662 -14 096 -5 673
Minority interests   0 0 0
Earnings per share (in €)   -0,10 -0,32 -0,13
Diluted earnings per share (in €)   -0,10 -0,32 -0,13


(in thousands of euros)
  30/06/2024 31/12/2023 30/06/2023
Intangible assets   14 995 14 989 14 660
Property, plant and equipment   10 195 10 815 11 998
Investments in associates   2 702 3 117 3 702
Financial and other non-current assets   48 54 283
Deferred tax assets   0 0 0
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS   27 940 28 975 30 644
Stocks   1 934 6 806 8 358
Trade receivables and other assets related to customer contracts   2 040 1 078 1 292
Other receivables   3 245 2 223 3 127
Corporate income tax receivables   0 0 0
Cash and cash equivalents   21 265 11 162 15 399
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   28 484 21 269 28 176
TOTAL ASSETS   56 425 50 244 58 820
Capital   3 515 2 052 1 714
Bonus   38 360 37 810 36 203
Reserves and RAN   2 838 5 080 4 673
Total net income   -5 662 -14 096 -5 672
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent   39 050 30 846 36 918
Minority interests   0 0 0
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   39 050 30 846 36 918
Non-current borrowings   8 673 13 973 15 858
Retirement commitments   321 282 298
Other non-current liabilities   623 681 479
Current borrowings   5 323 1 381 1 430
Provisions for current risks   0 176 10
Trade payables   891 1 436 2 204
Corporate income tax liabilities   0 0 0
Other current liabilities   1 544 1 469 1 623
TOTAL LIABILITIES   56 425 50 244 58 820



(in thousands of euros)
  30/06/2024 31/12/2023 30/06/2023
Total net income   -5 662 -14 148 -5 673
Depreciation, amortization and provisions (excluding current assets)   1 183 3 155 1 139
Share-based payment expense   40 167 88
Share of profit of associates   415 875 289
Capital gains/losses on disposals   -48 2 0
Share of subsidies in income   -58 -237 -58
Change in fair value of OCAs   640 1 049 388
Cash flow   -3 490 -9 138 -3 826
Gross cost of debt   208 482 216
Income tax expense   0 0 0
Cash flow before cost of debt
and tax
  -3 282 -8 655 -3 610
Change in inventories   4 872 -395 -1 947
Change in trade receivables (trade receivables, other assets and liabilities related to customer contracts)   -962 266 52
Change in trade payables and related accounts   -585 -93 678
Change in other current assets and liabilities (a)   -1 033 215 -850
Change in operating working capital requirement   2 292 -7 -2 067
Production of fixed assets (capitalized R&D)   -427 -1 952 -1 302
Share of grants and CIR related to capitalized development projects   132 461 615
Acquisitions of other tangible and intangible assets   -383 -472 -298
Investments in or acquisition of associates (MEQ)   0 0 0
Change in payables on fixed assets   109 -63 -65
Change in other non-current assets and liabilities   6 247 17
Disposals of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets   18 15 0
Disposal of financial assets   0 0 0
Capital increase linked to the parent company   11 802 73 -12
Acquisitions and disposals of treasury shares   -6 -22 -3
New borrowings and other financial liabilities   168 6 412 6 412
Repayment of borrowings and other financial liabilities   -315 -750 -175
Change in current accounts   0 0 0
Interest paid on borrowings   -10 -26 -14
Change in cash and cash equivalents   10 103 -4 741 -502
Opening cash position   11 162 15 902 15 902
Closing cash position   21 265 11 162 15 400
(a): of which change in Research Tax Credit (CIR):   -684 365 0


[1] The auditors' limited review procedures on these financial statements have been performed. The interim financial report will be published no later than September 30, 2024.

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Inside Information:
- News release on accounts, results

Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/87727-algae_cp_rs_2024_eng.pdf

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