
VENTE UNIQUE.COM (EPA:ALVU) Solid growth in the first half of 2023-2024, driven by strong international momentum

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14/05/2024 07:30

Press release


  • Gross merchandise volume up 18.5% to €117.3m;
  • Consolidated revenues up 11.4% to €90.3m;
  • Significant growth expected in adjusted EBITDA[1] in the first half and double-digit growth target for annual gross merchandise volume;
  • Expansion of the potential market thanks to the iconic Habitat brand's revival.

14 May 2024. Vente-unique.com, a European specialist in online furniture and home décor sales, today announces its unaudited revenues for the first half of its 2023-2024 financial year (from 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024).


IFRS (€000) H1 2022-2023 H1 2023-2024 Change
Gross merchandise volume[2] 98,990 117,314 +18.5%
Revenues 81,027 90,260 +11.4%
E-commerce[3] 77,183 88,384 +14.5%
Logistics[4] 3,844 1,877 -51.2%


The Vente-unique.com Group had a very solid first half of 2023-2024, achieving the performance of maintaining double-digit growth in a still unfavourable household consumption environment. In line with the 18.2% growth recorded in the 2022-2023 financial year, gross merchandise volume rose sharply by 18.5% in the first half of 2023-2024 to €117.3m, confirming the success of the marketplace in Europe.


Continued double-digit sales growth trajectory

Vente-unique.com recorded E-commerce consolidated revenues, including commissions generated by the marketplace, of €88.4m in the first half of 2023-2024, representing half-year growth of 14.5%. Despite persistent inflation, the Group has managed to combine growth in the volume of products sold with the maintenance of a good margin level, which testifies to the attractiveness of Vente-unique.com's offering.

Revenues from Logistics activities fell by 51.2%, due to the liquidation of the main external customer. Vente-unique.com has succeeded in attracting new customers in this segment, and will use its excess logistics capacity for its own needs related to the growth of its e-commerce activities, in particular the Habitat brand's revival.


Strong momentum in international e-commerce

IFRS (€000) H1 2022-2023 H1 2023-2024 Change
E-commerce revenues[5] 77,183 88,384 +14.5%
France 41,119 43,249 +5.2%
Northern and Eastern Europe[6] 25,187 32,204 +27.9%
Southern Europe[7] 10,877 12,930 +18.9%


Over the 1st half of 2023-2024, the Vente-unique.com Group posted a remarkable performance outside France, where it generated almost 51% of its sales (+4 points compared with the 1st half of 2022-2023). Momentum is particularly strong in Northern and Eastern Europe (+27.9%), while Southern Europe is also enjoying solid growth (+18.9%).

International sales and the success of the marketplace, whose contribution grew steadily over the half-year in all the countries where it has been deployed, are thus proving to be solid growth drivers for Vente-unique.com. Following the opening of the marketplace in Portugal and the Netherlands in March 2024, customers in 8 of the 11 countries served by the Group now have access to partner offers.

Lastly, France posted steady and resilient half-year growth (+5.2%), accounting for 49% of Group sales over the period.


Vente-unique.com on target for another year of profitable growth

Against a backdrop of continuing difficulties for household consumption, Vente-unique.com is confident in its ability to deliver another year of profitable growth.

The Group expects to achieve significant growth in adjusted EBITDA in the first half of 2023-2024 compared with the first half of 2022-2023 (€7.5m), and is targeting double-digit growth in gross merchandise volume for the year (€202m in 2022-2023).


Revival of the iconic Habitat brand by Vente-unique.com in summer 2024

On 23 April 2024, Vente-unique.com announced the signing of a licence to operate the Habitat brand, with the aim of relaunching the iconic brand on the Internet, first in France and then in Europe.

With this strategic move, the Group has considerably enhanced its ability to cover most of the furniture market, with its marketplace (entry-level), its own brand (mass market) and the Habitat brand (affordable top-of-the range).

The new Habitat.fr website is due to open in June 2024.



Next publication: H1 2023-2024 results, Tuesday, 18 June 2024


Read more on bourse.vente-unique.com


About Vente-unique.com

Created in 2006, Vente-unique.com (Euronext Growth - ALVU), a subsidiary of the CAFOM Group (Euronext - CAFO), is an expert in online revenues of furniture and home furnishings in Europe. The company covers 11 countries (France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland) and has supplied over 2.5 million customers since its launch. In 2023, Vente-unique.com generated revenues of €202 million, up 18%.


ACTUS finance & communication
Pierre Jacquemin-Guillaume Anne-Charlotte Dudicourt
Investor relations Press relations
vente-unique@actus.fr acdudicourt@actus.fr
01 53 67 36 79 01 53 67 36 32



IFRS (€000) Q1 2022-2023 Q1 2023-2024 Change
Gross merchandise volume 46,968 58,164 +23.8%
Revenues 38,754 45,063 +16.3%
E-commerce 36,809 44,010 +19.6%
Logistics 1,945 1,053 - 45.9%


IFRS (€000) Q2 2022-2023 Q2 2023-2024 Change
Gross merchandise volume 52,022 59,150 +13.7%
Revenues 42,274 45,197 +6.9%
E-commerce 40,374 44,374 +9.9%
Logistics 1,899 824 -56.6%


[1] Adjusted EBITDA = operating profit before non-recurring items + net depreciation, amortisation, provisions and impairment losses - reversals of provisions and impairment losses before valuation of bonus shares

[2] Gross value, including taxes, of products and services sold, including direct product sales recognised at the date of shipment, marketplace sales recognised at the order confirmation date and other invoiced services and revenues

[3] Direct product sales + marketplace fees

[4] BtoB logistics services invoiced by the new subsidiary resulting from the acquisition of the Distri Service business on 1 October 2022

[5] Direct product sales + marketplace fees

[6] Austria + Belgium + Germany + Luxembourg + Netherlands + Poland + Switzerland

[7] Italy + Portugal + Spain

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/85775-vu_cp_ca_s1_2023-2024_eng-vdef.pdf

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